Microsoft soluciona el lío de Sidekick
Sidekick el servicio de telefonía comprado por Microsoft hace año y medio y operado en los servidores bajo la responsabilidad de Microsoft, sufrió el 5 de Octubre la pérdida de los datos de todos sus usuarios. El revuelo ha sido tan sonado como la últimas caídas de Gmail e incluso más porque hay que reconocer que existen claras diferencias entre no dar el servicio durante unas horas y no poder restablecerlo para el resto, como le pasó a Magnolia hace un tiempo y como parece que iba a ser el caso de Sidekick. El caso es que hasta ahora había pocas esperanzas de recuperación pero Microsoft acaba de anunciar que podrán recuperar casi la totalidad de los datos de los usuarios, sino los de todos.
Pego el contenido de la carta para no tener que acudir y aprovecho para reiterar que esto ocurrirá en tu CPD como en los de los proveedores de cloud computing y solo ocurre si el responsable del CPD no dispone de procedimientos de actuación para su mantenimiento, prevención y contingencia ante desastres, los cuales incluyen cosas tan básicas como asegurar la realización backup de los datos y probar la recuperación de los mismos en un tiempo acorde con las condiciones de tu servicio. Pero incluso con todo esto, no estamos exentos de fallos y amenazas externas que consigan dejarnos sin sistema, ya sea en tu CPD o al proveedor cloud.
Dear T-Mobile Sidekick customers,
On behalf of Microsoft, I want to apologize for the recent problems with the Sidekick service and give you an update on the steps we have taken to resolve these problems.
We are pleased to report that we have recovered most, if not all, customer data for those Sidekick customers whose data was affected by the recent outage. We plan to begin restoring users’ personal data as soon as possible, starting with personal contacts, after we have validated the data and our restoration plan. We will then continue to work around the clock to restore data to all affected users, including calendar, notes, tasks, photographs and high scores, as quickly as possible.
We now believe that data loss affected a minority of Sidekick users. If your Sidekick account was among those affected, please continue to log into the T-Mobile Sidekick forum at for the latest updates about when data restoration will begin, and any steps you may need to take. We will work with T-Mobile to post the next update on data restoration timing no later than Saturday.
We have determined that the outage was caused by a system failure that created data loss in the core database and the back-up. We rebuilt the system component by component, recovering data along the way. This careful process has taken a significant amount of time, but was necessary to preserve the integrity of the data.
We will continue working closely with T-Mobile to restore user data as quickly as possible. We are eager to deliver the level of reliable service that our incredibly loyal customers have become accustomed to, and we are taking immediate steps to help ensure this does not happen again. Specifically, we have made changes to improve the overall stability of the Sidekick service and initiated a more resilient backup process to ensure that the integrity of our database backups is maintained.
Once again, we apologize for this situation and the inconvenience that it has created. Please know that we are working all-out to resolve this situation and restore the reliability of the service.
Roz Ho
Corporate Vice President
Premium Mobile Experiences, Microsoft Corporation
Oct. 15, 2009
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